Maria Pia Nardelli

Poste : Maître de Conférences

Courriel :

Téléphone : 02 41 73 53 90

Localisation : Angers - C' 201

Domaine(s) de recherche : Systèmes littoraux et marins

Research profile

  • Ecology of living benthic foraminifera in coastal marine environments and open ocean
  • Arctic sea-ice variability and historical records through the study of foraminiferal proxies
  • Calibration of paleoceanographic proxies
  • Ecological responses of benthic faunas to physical and chemical stress (cascading, brines, human activity)
  • Bio-indication and biomonitoring of coastal marine environments

IMG 20210820 142815IMG 20210818 201315IMG 20210826 110253

 Short CV: 

2018-2023: Responsible for Research theme SLIM (Marine and littoral systems) at LPG

September 2014- present: Assistant Professor (Maîtresse de Conférence) at University of Angers, Department of Geology

January-August 2014: Post-doctoral fellowship at UMR 6112 LPG-BIAF

  • Subject: Bioturbation and foraminiferal microhabitats

 March 2012-December 2013: Post-doctoral fellowship at UMR6112 LPG-BIAF (Funded by Pays de Loire region and Swedish Research Council)

  • Subject: Experimental ecology of benthic foraminifera under anoxic conditions

January 2009-February 2012: PhD student at Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy)

  • Subject: Response of benthic foraminifera to pollution through experimental and in situ studies: advances in biological aspects and tools for future applications in biomonitoring
  • Supervisor: Prof. Alessandra Negri



REFORM (2024-2025, PI): REFerence conditions based on historical FORaminiferal Monitoring. PHC funded by MAESR and MEAE.

BEGIN (2021-2023, PI): Benthos under Arctic melting glacier influence. Funded by LEFE INSU CNRS

KONBHAS (2020-2023): Kongsfjorden new benthic habitats. Funded by IPEV

BI-SMART (2017-2019, PI): Bio-indication of brine formation under arctic sea-ice. Funded by University of Angers- Young researchers program

ABBA (2017, PI): Under arctic sea-ice : benthic foraminifera as bio-indicators of brine formation in the Storfjorden (Norway). Funded by OSUNA

HOOPLA (2016-2020): New methodological approaches to study the impact of off-shore wind farms on coastal benthic habitats: Study case on Haploops fields. Funded by WEAMEC (Pays de la Loire)

FREERIDE (2016, PI): Physical and chemical impact of black smockers at Rainbow site (Mid-Atlantic ridge). Funded by INSU

BHYPOMAP (2016): Cartography of manganese in benthic foraminiferal shells du manganèse. Funded by INSU

Bhypolab (2015) : Calibration of Mn/Ca proxy on foraminiferal shells under laboratory conditions. Funded by INSU

ForChlo (2015-2016) : Kleptoplastidy in benthic foraminifera.  Funded by INSU

COSELMAR (2013-2017): Biodiversity and marine environment.  Funded by Pays de la Loire Region

FoBiMO (2010-present): International Research group on benthic foraminiferal application in coastal waters biomonitoring programs.

HERMES (2008): Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas. European Project



Sepulcre S., Tribondeau M., Bassinot, F., Mojtahid, M., Nardelli M.P., Dessandier P.-A., Bonnin J., 2024. Assessing the Calibration of Benthic Foraminifera Elemental Ratios from the Northeastern Atlantic. J. Mar. Sci. Eng.12, 736.

Guilhermic, C., Nardelli, M. P., Mouret, A., Le Moigne, D., and Howa, H., 2023. Short-term response of benthic foraminifera to fine-sediment depositional events simulated in microcosm, Biogeosciences, 20, 3329–3351.

Nardelli M.P., Fossile E., Péron O., Howa H., Mojtahid M., 2023. Early taphonomy of benthic foraminifera in Storfjorden‘sea-ice factory’: the agglutinated/calcareous ratio as a proxy for brine persistence. Boreas, Vol. 52, pp. 109–123.

Fossile E., Nardelli M.P., Howa H., Baltzer A., Poprawski Y., Baneschi L., Doveri M., Mojtahid M., 2022. Influence of modern environmental gradients on foraminiferal faunas in the inner Kongsfjorden (Svalbard). Marine Micropaleontology, Vol. 173.

Fossile E., Nardelli M.P., Jouini A., Lansard B., Pusceddu A., Moccia D. et al. Benthic foraminifera as tracers of brine production in the Storfjorden “sea ice factory”,  2020. Biogeosciences, Vol. 17, pp. 1933-1953.

Champilou J.-B., Baltzer A., Murat A., Reynaud M., Maillet G., Nardelli M.P., Metzger E.. New evidence of perfect overlapping of Haploops and pockmarks field: Is it a coincidence? 2019. Marine Geology, Vol. 415, pp. 105961.

Nardelli, M.P., Sabbatini, A., Bonnot, E., Mea, M., Pusceddu, A.,Danovaro, R., Durrieu de Madron, X., Negri, A., Bicchi, E., 2018. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the Cap de Creus canyon and adjacent open slope: potential influence of dense shelf water cascading and open-ocean convection. Deep Sea Research Part I 136, 31–43.

Barras C., Mouret A., Nardelli M.P., Metzger E., Petersen J., La C., Filipsson H., Jorissen F., 2018. Experimental calibration of Manganese incorporation in foraminiferal calcite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 237, 49–64.

Jorissen F., Nardelli M.P., Almogi-Labin A., Barras C., Bergamin L., Bicchi E., et al., 2018. Developing Foram-AMBI for biomonitoring in the Mediterranean: Species assignments to ecological categories.  Marine Micropaleontology 140, 33-45.

Frontalini, F., Nardelli M.P., Curzi A., Martin-Gonzalez A., Sabbatini A., Negri A., Losada M. T., Gobbi P., Coccioni R., Bernhard J., 2017. Benthic foraminiferal ultrastructural alteration induced by heavy metals. Marine Micropaleontology, 138, 83-89.

Frontalini F., Greco M., Di Bella L., Lejzerowicz F., Reo E., Caruso A., Cosentino C., Maccotta A., Scopelliti G., Nardelli M. P., et al., 2017. Assessing the effect of mercury pollution on cultured benthic foraminifera community using morphological and eDNA metabarcoding approaches. Marine Pollution Bulletin, in press.

Cesbron F., Geslin E., LeKieffre C., Jauffray T., Nardelli M. P., et al, 2017. Sequestered chloroplasts in the benthic foraminifer Haynesina germanica: cellular organization, oxygen fluxes and potential ecological implications. The Journal of Foraminiferal Research 47 (3): 268-278.

Maire O., Barras C., Gestin T., Nardelli M. P., et al., 2016. How does macrofaunal bioturbation influence the vertical distribution of living benthic foraminifera? Marine Ecology Progress Series 561:83-97.

Nardelli M. P., Malferrari D., Ferretti A., Bartolini A.C., Sabbatini A., Negri A., 2016. Zinc incorporation in the miliolid foraminifer Pseudotriloculina rotunda under laboratory conditions. Marine Micropaleontology, 126, 42 –49.

Thibault de Chanvalon A., Metzger E., Mouret A., Cesbron F., Knoery J., Rozuel E., Launeau P., Nardelli M. P., Jorissen F., Geslin E., 2015. Two-dimensional distribution of living benthic foraminifera in anoxic sediment layers of an estuarine mudflat (Loire estuary, France). Biogeosciences, 12, 6219–6234.

Nardelli M.P., Barras C., Metzger E., Mouret A., Filipsson H.L., Jorissen F., Geslin E. 2014. Experimental evidence for foraminiferal calcification under anoxia (2014), Biogeosciences, 11, 4029-4038.

Geslin, E., Barras, C., Langlet, D., Nardelli, M.P., Kim, J., Bonnin, J., Metzger, E., Jorissen, F. J., 2014. Survival, Reproduction and Calcification of Three Benthic Foraminiferal Species in Response to Experimentally Induced Hypoxia. In: Experimental Approaches in Foraminifera: Collection, Maintenance and Experiments, edited by: Kitazato, H. and Bernhard, J. M., Springer, Berlin, doi:10.1007/978-4-431-54388-6_10

Nardelli M.P., Sabbatini, A., Negri, A., 2013. Experimental Chronic Exposure of the Foraminifer Pseudotriloculina rotunda to Zinc. Acta Protozool. 52, 193–202.

Sabbatini A., Morigi C., Nardelli M.P., Negri A., 2014. Foraminifera. Book Chapter. In: The Mediterranean Sea: Its history and present challenges. Goffredo S. and Dubinsky Z. (Eds.), Springer, The Nederland, 678 pp.

Sabbatini A., Nardelli M.P., Morigi C., Negri A., 2013. Contribution of soft-shelled monothalamous taxa to foraminiferal assemblages in the Adriatic Sea. Acta Protozoologica 52 (3), 181-192.

Borrelli C., Sabbatini A., Luna G.M., Nardelli M.P., Sbaffi T., Morigi C., Danovaro R., Negri A., 2011. Technical Note: Determination of the metabolically active fraction of benthic foraminifera by means of Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH). Biogeosciences, 8, 2075–2088.

Nardelli M.P., Jorissen F.J., Pusceddu, A., Morigi C., Dell’Anno A., Danovaro R., De Stigter H.C., Negri A., 2010. Living benthic foraminiferal assemblages along a latitudinal transect at 1000m depth off the Portuguese margin. Micropaleontology 56, 323–344.