
Conference – The hidden oceans of the moons

of Jupiter and Saturn – Christophe Sotin

2022 – Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Nantes – Conference as part of the “Habitability on the Solar System and beyond” thematic school.

Major events

The ERC Promises project unveils itself to the public. In its quest to unravel the mysteries of the presence of complex organic molecules – the building blocks of life on Earth – in the worlds of the outer solar system, the LPG offers the public the animation In search of the building blocks of life in the solar system and beyond…

GANYMEDE – a project between art and science

Artist Em de Korsak creates a science fiction graphic novel about one of Jupiter’s icy moons – Ganymede. Experimental and researched, this story takes shape gradually, fueled by mineral, organic, vegetal and imagined inspirations…