
One of LPG’s missions is to promote its research work, i.e. to contribute to the transfer of knowledge to the socio-economic world. Supported by the valorization services of our supervisors and the SATT Ouest Valorisation, LPG ensures the transfer of skills, know-how, and intellectual protection of the results of researchers’ work. You will find below a list of patents and software registered in recent years.


  • “Device for the synthesis and study of compounds under controlled temperatures and pressures” – Erwan Le Menn, Adriana Oancea, Gabriel Tobie, Olivier Grasset as part of the ERC Exowater, filed on December 4, 2014 – FR 14/61933 – Patent specification sheet


  • VR2Planets: Stéphane Le Mouélic and François Civet (dépôt 2014) IDDN.FR.001.500002.000.S.P.2015.000.10000
    This software is an application allowing real-time immersive 3D visualization of planetary surfaces reconstructed from satellite data. Data visualization is accessible on monitors, 3D video projectors or virtual reality headsets such as Oculus Rift.
  • Homo3D: Yann Capdeville, CNRS (2015), Open data
    This software calculates the equivalent media for seismic wave propagation.
  • En duplex de…: Eric Beucler, Guillaume Olympiade, Matthieu Le Corre and Olivier Borgard (2020)
  • Neemuds: Eric Beucler and Hakim Hadj-Jdilani  (2020) IDDN.FR.001.280011.000.S.C.2020.000.31235
    Research applications to model the interior of Mars and also the Earth at different scales.
  • Mushdynamics: Marine LASBLEIS (2020) – N°13432-01

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